A sharp, refreshing and intelligent approach to medical indemnity insurance. Built by specialists for specialists, with skill and insight.
The Incision policy
Medical Indemnity insurance is there to protect you against an accusation that your medical professional services caused physical or mental harm, injury or death, to a patient in your private practice.
Each member benefits from a regulated and contractual insurance policy, which meets and exceeds the requirements of private hospital groups.
Incision indemnity insurance
We work with specialists to tailor our benefits to suit you. Our secure contracts are underwritten by Lloyd’s of London Syndicates and Medical Malpractice insurance companies.
Unlike some of our competitors, Incision provides a claims-made contract of insurance giving you a legal right to defence in the event of a claim being made against you. Click here to read about the difference between discretionary and contractual Medical Indemnity cover.
Get a quick quote for medical indemnity insurance online.
Thinking of moving to Incision?
As a Surgeon or Medical Professional, here’s what you need to know.
Who we provide cover for
Education & Resources
Our education and resources library includes advice and guidance on best practices and thought leadership from a number of medical specialists.
Our knowledge hub is always developing to support our membership in a number of different ways. Resources include access to thought leadership, hot topics, advice, and guidance on best practices for your profession.
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